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Pleasure and politics

Harald Hauswald’s latest exhibition shows another side of Eastern Germany.

C/O Berlin proposes for a second time renowned photographer Harald Hauswald’s work in the current exhibition Full of life! . Reloaded, with about 250 photographs taken between the end of the 1970s and mid-1990s. The title of the exhibition speaks to the vibrating energy of the work, which ranges from music concerts and improvised dance nights to political demonstrations where the photographer was both observer and participant, offering a rare, lively and nuanced documentation of life in communist East Berlin.

Mainzer Straße, Friedrichshain, Berlin, 1990. Harald Hauswald

Berlin Wall, Mitte, Berlin, 1990. Harald Hauswald

Opening of the Brandenburg Gate, Mitte, Berlin, 1989. Harald Hauswald

Alexanderplatz, Mitte, Berlin, 1984. Harald Hauswald

“I felt the pressure extended by the political circumstances, and taking pictures was an attempt to stand up against it, for my head’s sake.” Because of his political activity and photography work, Harald Hauswald was under surveillance by the Stasi for over 10 years. He was accused of anti-state activities, violating exchange-control regulations, and passing on unclassified information. Stasi files detailing his movements, where he got a coffee or who he met for a cigarette, are woven into the exhibition, offering a window into a historical time and place where documenting daily life made him a target.

Underground line A, 1986. Harald Hauswald

Husemannstraße, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, 1987. Harald Hauswald

Fahnenflucht, May 1st Demonstration, Alexanderplatz, Mitte, Berlin, 1987. Harald Hauswald

Radebeul, 1984. Harald Hauswald

Harald Hauswald’s exhibition Full of life! . Reloaded is on view at

C/O Berlin

until April 21. His photographs are represented by


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