Thomas Boivin at Les Douches, la Galerie
In the summer of 2021, Thomas Boivin rents a small house near the Claise, a tributary of the Creuse, in the south of Indre-et-Loire. The landscape here is agricultural: the bed of the Claise is no longer natural, having been dug for the needs of the surrounding irrigation system, and its course is bordered by fields. On the heights, small forests remain. Every morning and evening, Thomas Boivin takes long walks in a boat, thinking of Julien Gracq’s Eaux Étroites. In these images, he sees echoes of early 19th century French landscape painting, and above all the simple pleasure of a walk – in a boat, by the water, or on a hillside – on a beautiful August day.
For more information : Thomas Boivin, Promenades