Stephan Vanfleteren’s Still Life series at Galerie Rabouan Moussion
For the past ten years, Stephan Vanfleteren has been photographing dead animals in his studio in daylight. This intense work constitutes the Nature Morte/Still Life series. Vanfleteren’s studio is a kind of no-man’s-land, an intimate shelter where the outside world is forgotten. For Vanfleteren, death feeds the vitality of life. If you want to see the light, look at the shadow. Nature Morte/Still Life is a Memento Mori, a still life that reminds us of our mortality.
From November 11 to January 13 2024. Read More: www.rabouanmoussion.com
Book: Éditions Hannibal Books publishes ATELIER, a monograph retracing 12 years of creation in Vanfleteren’s studio (432 pages).
Cover : © Stephan Vanfleteren