Blind Magazine : photography at first sight
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Call for portfolios: Life in lockdown

Call for portfolios: Life in lockdown

During this trying time, Blind wishes to support photographic creation and invites photographers to submit series created while self-isolating.

Many photographers have been unable to carry on their normal work during lockdown. While the restrictions may limit movement, they do nothing to hamper creativity, and might even turn into a prolific source of inspiration. This period has proved conducive to innovation and inventiveness, as shown by Eloi de la Monneraye and Jérémie Bouillon—two photographers we recently asked to give us some insight into their working methods as they self-isolate in their homes.

True to our intention to promote the diversity of photographic approaches, Blind extends an invitation to photographers to submit series made at home under lockdown. We are not looking for work that documents the crisis—we do not wish to endanger the health of photographers, and encourage everyone to remain in the safety of their homes; however, we are eager to present work that was spurred into existence by these unprecedented constraints. 

Blind is committed to remunerating every photographer whose portfolio we publish. This is our modest attempt to continue supporting photographers throughout this difficult period.

The portfolio must meet three eligibility criteria to be considered by the Blind team:

• It must be made under conditions of self-isolation;

• It must not have been previously published;

• It must be composed of 6 to 8 images. 

Every photographer whose portfolio is published will be compensated. Additionally, the published photos will be accompanied by a text written by Blind’s editorial staff in an effort to showcase the artist’s work.