Blind Magazine : photography at first sight

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FSA Archive: Shifting the Focus
FSA Archive: Shifting the Focus …
Building the Future in the Urban South
For his latest book, Peter Essick produced through aerial photography abstract and painterly images of construction sites in Atlanta. In presenting this series, …
Close to the Finish Line
Close to the Finish Line …
Meme Press Photo: From Humor to the Precarious Condition of Photojournalists
Since its start in 2023, Meme Press Photo has been taking irreverent jabs at the photojournalism industry. But underneath the jokes, there are …
Antonio Biasiucci: a Master of Language
The exhibition “Arca” at Gallerie d’Italia in Turin, Italy, brings together for the first time the different chapters of the artist’s “utopian poem”, …
An Attempted Assassination and the Photos that Define What America has Become
In the wake of an attempted assassination of former American President Donald Trump at a political rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, the …


Metals in Your Lungs

Photographer Stefano Sbrulli’s book “Donde los niños no sueñan”(Where Children don’t Sleep) is the soulful tale of a Peruvian community whose health and survival is plagued by a nearby mine.

Malik's bedroom in the Mitchel Houses

The Daily Life of a Paraplegic Gang Member

Over the course of three years, Dr. Greg Gulbransen photographed Malik, a leader in the street gang the Crips, in New York. In 2018, Malik got shot and paralyzed by a bullet from a rival gang. As a result, his world now centers around his small apartment in the Bronx, where he is cared for by his family and fellow gang members.


AP Photos/Evan Vucci

An Attempted Assassination and the Photos that Define What America has Become

In the wake of an attempted assassination of former American President Donald Trump at a political rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, the photographs from the scene will forever be the record of the event. But photographers have been exploring the divided nation that America has become for decades, and while unfortunate, the event on Saturday should not be surprising.