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Search Results for: ukraine

A man listens to a speech by President Petro Poroshenko marking the first anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity on Maidan Nezalezhnosti on February 20, 2015 in Kyiv, Ukraine. February 20th is recognized as the bloodiest day of the revolution, and is used to commemorate the ‘Heavenly Hundred’ who were killed during the uprising. © Pete Kiehart

In Ukraine, of Love and War

Last year, FotoEvidence published the book Ukraine: A War Crime, which focused on the first year of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. This year, the publishing house is releasing a second volume titled Ukraine: Love+War, which looks at Russia’s aggression against Ukraine during the last decade, adding context to the current conflict.

Living in the Middle of Conflict, Donbass, 2018. © Anastasia Taylor-Lind / Imperial War Museums. (photo of the family with the horse)

Anastasia Taylor-Lind: “The Situation has Changed a Lot in Ukraine”

Photojournalist Anastasia Taylor-Lind has been traveling across Ukraine for more than ten years and paints a portrait of a country and a population whose daily life is punctuated by war. Her work, produced with her friend the Ukrainian journalist Alisa Sopova, and entitled “Ukraine: Photographs from the Frontline”, is exhibited at the Verdun Memorial (France), offering a sometimes disturbing echo with the images of the First World War. And her work “5k From the Frontline” is presented at the Visa pour l’image festival in Perpignan. She tells Blind about her experience on the front and her vision of the profession.

From the series Citizens of Kyiv, 2022 © Alexander Chekmenev

In Ukraine, a Battle for the Future

At Le Hangar in Brussels, a collective exhibition showcases three generations of Ukrainian photographers. “Generations of Resilience” offers a visual testimony not only to the reality of war, but also to the resilience and artistic evolution of a nation shaped by its history.

Timor, 9, raises his fist to greet passing soldiers, shouting "Gloir to Ukraine" or "Russians are pigs" in Droujkivka, Donbass, Ukraine, June 4, 2022.

MYOP in Ukraine: An Agency on the Frontline

Fragments, a book by the MYOP agency, chronicles a tumultuous year of the conflict in Ukraine, as seen by of six member photographers. Proceeds from the book are earmarked for a Ukrainian NGO assisting affected civilians—a testament to the agency’s spirit of solidarity.

At the Ohmatdyt general hospital Vovo, age 13, lost his father in the car when they were attacked, and still has a bullet lodged in his back that needs surgery. © Paula Bronstein for The Times

Ukraine: A War Crime

The book Ukraine: A War Crime brings together the work of 93 photographers who covered the first year of the war in Ukraine, documenting the fighting, its effects on the population, and the visual evidence of war crimes.

Thirs anniversary of Maidan revolution in Kyiv Ukraine on February 19, 2017. © Oksana Parafeniuk

Marseille Pays a Tribute to Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine enters a second year, the Centre Photographique de Marseille presents Ukraine(s), an exhibition bringing together three visual projects that explore the Ukrainian territory and its cultural heritage before its invasion.

Displaced persons who have fled fighting in the east are being served a meal at the Monastery of the Resurrection which comes under the Moscow Patriarchate. Lviv, Ukraine, March 11, 2022. © Lucas Barioulet for Le Monde

Visa pour l’Image in the Shadow of Ukraine

For thirty-four years, the international festival of photojournalism “Visa pour l’Image,” in Perpignan, has reflected the world’s upheavals. Ukraine is necessarily at the forefront of this 2022 reiteration, which is also attentive to other crises and which even manages from time to time to come up for air.

A young couple could not stop hugging - the man received a summon and reported to the military enlistment office for further instructions. © Ismail Ferdous / VU' for Blind

The Last Goodbyes in the Border Regions of Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine continues to rage, the flood of refugees from the fighting continue to flow west across the country’s borders. But as women and children flee, their husbands, fathers and brothers remain to fight the Russians, while others refuse to leave home. Photographer Ismail Ferdous spent time photographing those preparing to fight, those fleeing abroad, and those who choose to stay as they all say goodbye.

© Photograph by Peter Turnley

The Exodus From Ukraine: A Visual Diary by Peter Turnley

The French American photographer, known for his documentation of the human condition over the past 40 years, shares his experience alongside Ukrainian refugees, from the day he left his home in Paris, and returned.

© Ismail Ferdous / VU' for Blind

People of Ukraine

In the village of Kontsovo, near the Slovakian border, photographer Ismail Ferdous asked several displaced Ukrainians to pose on the stage of a theater in the colors of their country, collecting their stories at the same time.

Renault factory workers on strike, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, May-June 1936

Robert Capa: Icons, Unpublished Images, and Confidences

The American photographer is being honored with an exhibition at Les Franciscaines, in Deauville (France), and a magnificent accompanying book, published by Atelier EXB. The latter contains his most famous photos, a selection of lesser-known images and a host of stories and anecdotes that add to the myth.

Bosnian Memories

Almost 30 years after the end of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, photographer Fabrice Dekoninck reflects on the memory of those who survived the siege of Sarajevo, the ethnic purge in the Prijedor region and the genocide in Srebrenica, in a book entitled Between Fears and Hope.

June 6, D-Day: 530 Witnesses

The Prix Bayeux Calvados-Normandie celebrates its 30th edition, honoring the contributions of photojournalists across the globe. This year holds special significance as it anticipates the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings—witnessed by war correspondents who risked their lives to document it.

ZOOM Photo: An Underdog of the North that Dares to Dream Big

In its 14th installment, the Zoom Photo Festival in Saguenay, Northern Quebec, proudly presents works from roughly twenty photographers, alongside the World Press Photo traveling exhibition. We delve into a burgeoning photo festival that steadily rises in prominence, without ever losing its core identity.

In the Eyes of Ismail Ferdous

Ismail Ferdous is a photographer who documents contemporary social and humanitarian issues. In an interview with Blind, he discusses his journey and his curiosity for the world and people’s stories.

Travail des enfants dans une briqueterie. Périphérie de Kaboul, Afghanistan, 20 août 2022. Child labor in a brick factory. Outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, August 20, 2022. © Ebrahim Noroozi / Associated Press Photo libre de droit uniquement dans le cadre de la promotion de la 35e édition du Festival International du Photojournalisme "Visa pour l'Image - Perpignan" 2023 au format 1/4 de page maximum. Résolution maximale pour publication multimédia : 72 dpi Mention du copyright obligatoire. Cette image ne pourra plus être utilisée en libre de droit après le 31 décembre 2023. The photos provided here are copyright but may be used royalty-free for press presentation and promotion of the 35th International Festival of Photojournalism Visa pour l'Image - Perpignan 2023. Maximum size printed: quarter page Maximum resolution for online publication: 72 dpi Copyright and photo credits (listed with captions) must be printed. This photo can no longer be used royalty-free after December 31, 2023.

Visa pour l’Image: Facing the World

From the Iranian uprising to Californian startups, from the war in Ukraine to Afghanistan and climate breakdown, the 35th edition of Perpignan’s international photojournalism festival continues to confront us with the world’s tragedies.

Pearson Road – July 2021.

Un, Deux, Trois, We’re Going to Blois

The Loire Valley produces some fine vintages, even when it comes to photography. Festival Promenades Photographiques invites visitors on a tour of fifteen exhibitions around the city of Blois: an ode to movement.

Raphaël and Alfred Yagobzadeh

Profession: Parent Photographer

How to manage family life when your profession encroaches on your private sphere? Three photojournalists share their experiences with Blind.

At the Heart of It

The International Month of Photojournalism in Padova, Italy, brings together photographers from all over the world to trigger cultural debate and roundtable discussions on contemporary issues and ethical journalism.

© Evgeniy Maloletka, Associated Press, World Press Photo of the Year

Ukrainian Photographer Wins World Press Photo Award

Each year, the World Press Photo contest rewards the most outstanding photos of the year. On Thursday, April 20, photographer Evgeniy Maloletka received the World Press Photo of the Year award for his picture of the besieged maternity ward of Mariupol, in Ukraine.

Vitaly’s House © Joe Perri

A Ukrainian Melancholy

The American photographer Joe Perri created a photographic series in the city of Donetsk, in the Donbass, entitled Vitaly’s House. This project was carried out just four months before the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022.

Novak Djokovic, Open d’Australie, 2018. © Nicolas Luttiau, L'Équipe.

Sports Photography: A World Apart?

While the cultural world has recently begun opening up to all photographic genres, dismantling the hierarchies between fashion, reportage, amateur, etc. practice, sports photography has been left outside this momentum. For now.

Ukrainian Youth, Stuck in a Year of War

The book “Stuck In Here : A Shift of the Gaze” collects images and testimonies by the Ukrainian youth trapped in the war. An idea of photographer and journalist Orianne Ciantar Olive, the book offers an insight into daily life moments that go beyond the destruction of the last year.

© Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson’s Travelog

From January 19 to March 31, 2023, Matt Wilson exhibits his work at the Leica Store in Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris. Unreal landscapes follow images taken on the fly, offering glimpses of the world of this British globetrotter.

Close-up of Svyatoslav’s hands on a used skateboard. Hanover, Germany. April 27th, 2022. © Thomas Girondel

The Wheels of Hope: Skateboarding in Wartime

French photojournalist Thomas Girondel recounts the story of Yurii Korotun, a twenty-five-year-old Ukrainian professional skateboarder who teaches the sport to refugee children in Hannover, Germany, to help them forget about the war. Skateboarding becomes a therapy.

In the steppe near the capital Nur-Sultan, kokparshy, or Kokpar players, compete in an indescribable melee to grab a headless goat body. The communal version of this game sees up to 200 or 300 players competing, each playing for himself. The tribes that descended from Genghis Khan spread their culture throughout Mongolia and Central Asia, but nowhere in this region is the contrast between the contemporary and the ancient higher than in Kazakhstan. And nowhere is the interaction between the two more clearly embodied than in the kokpar.

The Soul of Kazakhstan

Having spent several years in Kazakhstan, the photographer Frédéric Noy paints an intimate portrait of the largest country in Central Asia, of its society and its transformations, Russia’s shadow looming large.

Niko J.Kallianiotis

Our Favorite Books for Christmas (2/4) : Documentary Photography

Everlasting and timeless, a photo book is an ideal gift to put under the Christmas tree. If you don’t know which one to choose, Blind will share with you its selection of the best books on documentary photography and photojournalism to give to your loved ones.

Places of Genocides, Clothes of Victims

Deepest Darkest gallery presents “How We See The World” and “The Day I Became Another Genocide Victim”, two series by photographer Barry Salzman, at Paris Photo.

© The Anonymous Project / Lee Shulman

The Anonymous Project: Slide Attitude

Lee Shulman, the creator of The Anonymous Project, invited Blind to his small Parisian studio. The collector and his team receive, select and sort thousands of slides of unknown people and give them a second life.

De la série « Luriki » (Colored Soviet Portrait), 1971-85. Photographie noir et blanc colorisée à la main, 61 x 81 cm © Boris Mikhaïlov. Collection Pinault. Courtesy Guido Costa Projects, Orlando Photo

Boris Mikhaïlov, A Story of His Own

Three Parisian exhibitions, including one at the Suzanne Tarasiève Gallery, focus on Boris Miklhailov, a Ukrainian artist who plays with stereotypes, establishing an aesthetic free of hypocrisy.

Pascal Maitre: The Beauty and Tragedy of the Fulani of the Sahel

The Fulani people are at the heart of the tensions that threaten the balance of a swath of the African continent. Winner of the 2020 Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière Photography Award, photojournalist Pascal Maitre, a specialist in Africa, paints a portrait of a now-endangered ancestral way of life.

The 43rd W. Eugene Smith Grant Awarded to Maxim Dondyuk

The W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography was awarded to Maxim Dondyuk for his project Ukraine 2014/22, which looks at the country’s battle for independence. Mary F. Calvert received the Smith Fellowship, with special awards going to Shirley Abrahamm and Amit Madeshiya, along with Ta Mwe.

Yelena Yemchuk

Life Before the War in Odessa

Yelena Yemchuk spent five years photographing Odessa and its inhabitants. And then came the Russian invasion.


Yelena Yemchuk’s latest book is a journey in three chapters, starting from the end.

Ukrainian Refugees Continue to Forge New Lives in Slovakia

The Ukrainians who have come to Banská Štiavnica have found help in those who call the town home. Their journeys to Slovakia have not been easy, and the effects of the war have left sometimes invisible marks on those who have arrived. But with the help of the townspeople, they are working to settle down and create new, safe lives for themselves and their families.

The Ping Pong Effect

In Italy, Cortona on the Move festival this year focuses on the photographer’s legitimacy and authorship, and on the different applications of photography outside of the fine-art and documentary fields.